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On strikes (V.I. Lenin)
At the end of 1899, Lenin wrote an article entitled ‘On Strikes’, relating to the strikes that were developing at the time in Russia. Although more than a century has passed since this article was written, making it inevitable that some of the ideas it contains are outdated or redundant due to historical development, others not only retain their full validity but are also of definite interest considering the potential dynamic of the class struggle in the current period.
The drive for a “Greater India”: another factor in imperialist disorder
Hindu nationalists dream of ‘Making India Great Again’ but its efforts towards imperialist expansion are part of the general descent into barbarism.
Trump 2.00: New steps into capitalist chaos
This article explains that “the dangerous chaos and havoc that he [Trump] has unleashed on the world since he took up residence in the White House is not an individual aberration in an otherwise stable system, but the expression of the collapse of the capitalist system as a whole and of its strongest power”.
Anti-Semitism, Zionism, Anti-Zionism: all are enemies of the proletariat, Part 1
In this part of the article, we look at the origins of Zionism as a false response to the rise of anti-Semitism in the late 19th century
Part two: The background of an undefeated proletariat
Second of two articles defending our view that the workers' struggles in Britain, France and elsewhere in 2022 marked an important new phase in the class struggle, a "rupture" with decades of retreat.
Enough is enough! We need a massive, unified movement against the attacks!
Leaflet distributed to workers' rallies against the latest austerity plans in Belgium
Contribution on imperialism from a sympathiser in India
We are publishing below extracts of a contribution from a close contact in India. We think that his denunciation of the powers waging the current conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East shows a clear internationalist position and is fundamentally different from the pseudo-internationalism of the leftists.
On the ICC meeting on the 16th November 2024 and the origins of the “rupture” in the class struggle
We publish here a contribution from comrade Baboon on the international public forum held by the ICC on the significance of the election of Trump in the USA. The extract that follows focuses on the question of the “rupture” in the class struggle and broadly agrees with much of the ICC’s position on this. However, he expresses some disagreements about the moment at which this rupture took place and so his contribution is followed by our response on this point.
Belgium: workers mobilise against bourgeoisie austerity plans
Once again, "Enough is enough" was the undertone for the days of action that took place in Brussels on 13 December 2024 and 13 January 2025 against the 'austerity plans' that are on the negotiating table in the talks about forming a new federal government, which have been dragging on for six months now. Earlier these plans were revealed through media 'leaks'; today they are no longer a public secret. The unions speak of the "most drastic measures of the past 80 years". The planned attacks would affect all sections of the working class.
Faced with capitalist crisis and disorder, sharpen the class struggle!
The Trump presidency is one expression of a decomposing social system - it's the system itself that has to go
The global economic crisis deepens, and capitalism launches more attacks on the working class
Despite some optimistic forecasts by the ruling class, “the capitalist system is well and truly continuing its trajectory into the abyss of a chronic economic crisis, plunging the world further into stagnation and poverty”.
Tribute to our comrade Laurie
It is with great sorrow that we must inform our readers of the death of our comrade Laurie, at a hospital in Birkenhead where he had been a patient for the best part of a year.
From the floods in Germany (2021) to the destructive floods in Spain (2024), the impasse of a dying capitalist system
As wildfires spread in California and floods hit western Europe, where lies the hope for the future of humanity?
Capitalism caught in the spiral of endless wars
As we go to press, the media are full of the news about the ceasefire and exchange of prisoners being cooked up in the Middle East. But as our article insists, “whatever truces or ceasefires may be concluded in the context of future imperialist manoeuvres, they can only be temporary and will only represent momentary pauses in the reinforcement of the barbaric militarism which characterises the capitalist mode of production”.
World Revolution 402 - Winter 2025
The quarrel between ‘Révolution Permanente’ and ‘Lutte Ouvrière’: Two Trotskyist varieties of the same nationalist positions
A dispute arose a few months ago between the two French Trotskyist groups, Révolution Permanente (RP), an offshoot of the NPA (Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste), and Lutte Ouvrière (LO), concerning the Palestinian question. But behind their differences we find the same defence of Palestinian nationalism.
The Dutch ruling class makes use of populism and anti-populism
How the various factions of the Dutch bourgeoisie instrumentalised the “football riots” in November 2024
Part One: On the subterranean maturation of class consciousness
First of two articles defending our view that the workers' struggles in Britain, France and elsewhere in 2022 marked an important new phase in the class struggle, a "rupture" with decades of retreat.
Neither populism nor bourgeois democracy ... The only real alternative is the worldwide development of class struggle against all factions of the bourgeoisie
Trump's election is a product of capitalist society rotting on its feet - and it will speed up the rot